Job Openings

Employment Opportunities


Morehouse Parish School Board is an equal opportunity employer.

NOTE:  We are updating job openings and links on a daily basis.  If you have questions regarding employment opportunities, you may email 


Applicants for Certified Positions are required to have the appropriate certificate or licensure to be eligible for the job. Teachers must be either certified, or show evidence/documentation that they are working towards certification.

Certificated Roles include:  Teachers, District and School Administrators/Supervisors, School Psychologists, Educational Diagnosticians, School Social Workers, School Counselors, Instructional Facilitators & Coordinators, Speech & Language Pathologists, and Occupational Therapists.

Applicants for Classified Positions must meet the prescribed minimum qualifications for a specific role as indicated in MPSB's Job Description / Personnel Evaluation Handbook.

Classified and Classified Substitute Roles:  Paraprofessionals/ Paraeducators, Clerical/Office Staff, Cafeteria Personnel, Transportation Personnel (Bus Operators & Bus Aides), Mechanics, Technology Assistants, Maintenance Staff, Custodial Staff, and CECP Coaches